Thursday, 14 February 2008

Marvin Intro Finished

Here we go, I spent all week tweaking and editing and masking this, which is far too long because I have to have a film finished in three and a bit weeks. It ain't going to happen if I carry on in this style. However, after an encouraging tutorial with Joy today, I have come up with a stripped down, workable storyboard that I should be able to get done in time. I've kind of been forced into coming up with a way to communicate the story using as simple a style of animation as I can get away with, and with as few shots as possible. So to get in the right frame of mind for this, I fooled myself into thinking that I would definitely be performing this live with an OHP and acetates so that I'd have to simplify everything. And it worked. I think.

Marvin Intro Again from Retchy on Vimeo.

Like I said, I don't have time to film everything like this as well as go through the editing and post processes, and do the other two projects that I have on the go as well. I've decided therefore to lock myself in my room for the whole of next week with my copy of After Effects until I have all of the shots animated, edited together and ready for putting some simple sound on the week after.

Wish me luck!

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